
Watch this space for exciting and important news regarding AfterHoursCycle, PlusOnePerformance, TMs, Vertigos, Beta enduro and trials bikes, and off-road riding everywhere!
Announcing the Plus One Performance.us / AfterHoursCycle.com 'Get Out and Ride' Program - a program that pays you back!
When you buy a new Beta, Vertigo, or TM from Plus One Performance you've got automatic race support. Besides being on-site to provide technical support and parts emergency parts delivery at numerous events, we'll reimburse up to 2 entries in the 2025 AMA D14 Enduro, Sprint Enduro, or Hare Scrambles series, up to four entries in the 2025 Family Enduro Series or 2025 MOTA series, or reimburse up to $100 towards a Great Lakes Motorcycle Coach training class with Corey Parlin. Grab some essentials like filters and brake pads or factory parts, bolt on some aftermarket armor, or put the cash towards a suspension service - you decide.
* program subject to limitations (subject to maximum payouts, applies to purchases made after Feb 1, 2025, redeemable as parts or service credit) Program can be modified or terminated by Plus One Performance at any time.
If you noticed a brand new Beta RR or RE on the New and Experienced Bikes page, it's because we're once again able to get those models in stock. If the TMs are just too exotic or if you're one of those riders we turned on to Beta back in the day, give us the chance to get you on a brand new Beta set-up exactly to your liking. That said, don't forget about Pesaro's fabulous TMs or the trellis-framed, fuel-injected Vertigos from Spain ...
We blasted through 2022 faster than a speeding bullet, and we're ready for Sumter and the 2023 season to get underway. New bikes are arriving daily, both on the trials and enduro side. We'll try to keep up with changing inventory, but it's best to call or text to see what's available or coming in ... like the 2023 TM tbi 2 strokes and the spectacular Vertigo Nitro 225 and 250!
The chokehold on motorcycle shipments seems to have loosened - we've got EVOs and XTrainers and TMs hitting the dock almost daily, and there's no better time to check out one of these bikes than right now. The BarkBuster is coming up, Jack Pine is around the corner, there's great family enduros to go along with them, and the trials season is taking a short break before heading into a second-half rush. Get out and ride!
All right - what a crazy year 2021 was. No worries, we've been to Sumter and back and are moving headlong into a great 2022. We've got the fantastic Vertigo Nitros on the way, the first of the vastly re-designed TM enduro bikes have landed, we've got Beta EVOs in stock, and more XTrainers in the hopper. We'll be racing and supporting District 14 enduro, hare scrambles and sprint enduro riders again this year, and looking forward to seeing you at the many MOTA trials events on the schedule.
All right - we're back in the saddle! As alluded to in the last news post, we're now the Midwest's destination for Vertigo trials bikes. The Spanish built bikes feature fuel-injection and trellis frames in what is the highest expression of trials development to date. Oh, and we ran top 10 at the Sumter National in the first ride on the spectacular TM300fi 4T twin-piper. That's a bike you need to ride to believe.
The start of the 2021 National Enduro series is only two weeks away! Let's go racing! We'll be working on the website in the next little bit, making room for a new line of very high-tech trials bikes to go with the very capable Betas we've been selling and campaigning for the last several years. On the enduro front, the new TMs are simply fantastic. We've been developing the 300fi 4T primarily, and it is amazing in terms of power - amount and delivery - chassis feel, and sound! The new 2T tpi bikes complement the carbureted models which carry on in America. Betas are mostly sold out for the 2021 season, but we'll be hard at work sorting out suspension and upfitting the bikes so they are ready for anything you throw at them.
As crazy as the world is, 2020 has been one of our best years ever. From the incredible new Betas with completely redesigned chassis and engines to even more refined TMs, the bikes have never been better. 2020s are almost gone, but the new Beta RRs have been released and 2021 TM information is only a short way away. Forget about Covid-19, let's go riding!
07/18/2019 |
Who knew that the first half of 2019 would fly by so fast, and that so much rain would fall? We've had one of our best seasons ever, largely based on the great reception to Beta's new 200RR, but also due to our reputation as one of the country's best Sachs suspension tuners. Not to be overlooked are the incredible new TMs - the counter-balanced motors makes them eerily fast, and the build quality is first class.
12/21/2018 |
If you've been watching this site you'll have noticed a number of changes to the page content and some of the details on the site. Some of those are the result of new content, and some of those are the result of our hosting provider being sold, our design software being shelved, and the resultant necessity to learn html and first principles web page construction. Much more exciting was the 2018 race season that saw a number of NEPG national enduros contested, a decent run in the Family Enduro and D14 enduro series, and the start of a budding trials career. I hope to get a chance to ride with you in the new year, or at least take part in your riding adventures by helping set up your current bike or getting you onto one of the fabulous Betas or TMs.
We're just about ready to put a wrap on 2017 but first wanted to say a sincere 'thank you' to all of our old and new customers, friends, and riding buddies. Without a doubt this has been the best year ever at PlusOnePerformance and we're excited to see what the new year holds. We appreciate the confidence you have in us, and will endeavor to continue to provide unmatched support and service to every one who calls, texts, emails, or meets us on the trail. Whether you ride a Beta, a TM, or even some other kind of bike, it is our goal to help you get the most out of your ride.
11/22/2017 |
An early-season blizzard that dumped lake-effect snow meant that the LRBDS took place just north of West Branch at the Ambrose Lake trail. Lots of hunters were staking out trail and making final preparations for the Michigan deer rifle season, but that didn't stop us from taking in 35 miles of perfect late season trail riding. If the weather holds after December 1, look for us back on the trails on the mighty TM300 or the imminently capable Beta 350RE.
The trials bug has taken hold at PlusOnePerformance, and consequently we're now also a Beta mototrials dealer. Expect the same great service and support while you zap and splatter as the off-road guys have appreciated for the last eight seasons.
10/24/2017 |
The new bike season is upon us, and both Beta and TM have exciting news to share. New bikes are on the way to PlusOnePerformance headquarters right now, but some models, like the 390 Race Edition and the 'new from the ground up' 125RR will be so popular that you're going to want to get a deposit in right away.
The LRBDS (Last Ride Before Deer Season) is set for Monday November 13th at the Kalkaska DNR trail head on M-72. Bring warm clothes, your trail-tagged and spark arrested scooter, and a friend to the 11am start to the ride. If it's pouring down rain, we'll catch you at the FRADS.
We're also making changes to our race support program - check out the announcement above for details on how you can get paid to ride your dirtbike!
05/16/2017 |
The Ambrose Lake Trail ride went off under perfectly blue skies, and despite torrential rains in the surrounding area our trail had more dust than mud. In fact, the only casualty related to mud was a 2016 KTM ... we're equal opportunity after all.
Beta USA is sold out of a few of its models for 2017 (think 300RE, 390RE, 390RR-s, and 480RE), but we have one 300RE remaining, a 250RE on the way, and access to numerous other models. TM is continuing to build 2017s to meet customer demand, with big things in store for 2018 that will lead to a later than normal introduction.
One of my 8 year-old sons has developed a rider ID tag that's perfect for keeping track of gear bags, helmets bags, gas cans, and even keys. Look for samples on the Parts and Other Goodies page shortly.
The D14 hare scrambles season is underway and we'll be hitting some of those events, along with the D14 enduro and Family Enduro series. Look us up on the trail, or call or text us at the number on our homepage.
3/28/2017 |
It's been an incredible year already, and we're just getting started. The Beta 4Ts are really gaining traction with guys, and there has been strong interest from new riders or guys getting back into the sport after long lay-offs ... fantastic!
PlusOnePerformance will be hosting a Beta/TM trail ride and gathering Saturday May 6 at the Ambrose Lake trail. Check out the Michigan DNR site for directions and (down-loadable) trail maps. All that's needed to join are the new trail tags and a spark arrestor ... bring your friends, even if they don't ride an Italian beauty. We'll have at least one of the 2Ts and one of the 4Ts to sample.
The TM144 was the mount of choice for the recent Full Gas Sprint Enduro in Georgia - it's a neat format, especially when it meant dirt-bike racing in February.
2/5/2017 |
The year is off to a roaring start, and despite what that silly groundhog says we're ready to go riding. If you haven't yet, get your suspension shipped in for service so that you don't get caught out when your riding season starts.
PlusOnePerformance is once again happy to be sponsoring a team at the (now third annual) Arcadia Barkbusters Northeast 24 Hour race set for July in upstate New York. We've had a couple years to get the bugs worked out, so this year we're going for the gold.
We're developing some logo gear for both the Beta and TM sides of the PlusOnePerformance/afterhourscycle.com business, so watch for and apparel and accessory page to pop up soon.
Finally, we're not unaware that riding and racing dirtbikes presents some risks. We're going to try to help mitigate some of that risk by entering all of our customers in 2017 in a drawing for an Atlas neck brace. If you purchased a 2017 Beta from us before the turn of the year, you'll be automatically entered as well. The contest will run from January 1 until the end of September, or whenever we deliver out first 2018 Beta or 2018 TM motorcycle in 2017. The winner will be contacted by e-mail and announced on this site.
11/26/2016 |
Fresh off Thanksgiving and recently back from the Beta dealers' meeting. We've rode most of the new models and got and particulars on the 2017 Race Edition models (order your now!) and we even got to ride Morgan Tanke's race-prepped XTrainer rocketship. If you're smaller in stature but still want a full-on race rocket, this could be the way to go.
TM has also announced a number of refinements to its line-up as it celebrates 40 years in the off-road world. Lighter frames and optimized cylinder porting and power valve mechanisms are highlighted on the 2Ts, while the big news on the 4T side is the addition of a 300cc thumper modelled after Eero Remes' E1 winning 250F. TM is stocking models in the US - if we don't have it, we can get it on short order. If the importer doesn't have it, we'll have Italy make it specifically for you.
10/3/2016 |
The first Beta XTrainers have arrived and are ready to be set up to you specification. Whether you want hand guards or skid plates or spark arrestors we have what you need to make Beta's smash hit your very own.
Specs and pricing on the 2017 Race Editions should be available any day now - give us a call to get on the list for these very highly anticipated bikes.
Finally, if you're interested in a trials bike, the Betas, Shercos, and Scorpas have been released and are available through PlusOnePerformance.
8/2/2016 |
What a fantastic summer it's been, and there's no end in sight! From racing the TM300EN and TM144EN in all their cutting-edge glory to piloting the Beta 350 Race Edition as part of the PlusOnePerformance team at the Northeast 24 Hr Challenge, it's been a great season. To top that off we've seen the release of the 2017 Beta RR 2Ts and RR-S 4Ts, and we have confirmation that TM will be building a four stroke 300 to complement their valve-and-cam 250 and 450s.
We've got XTrainers coming in on Beta's first shipment along with some 300RRs and one of the sweet little RR-S 125s ... and that's before the Race Edition onslaught begins. Contact us today to get your name on one of these fantastic new bikes from Italy!
4/16/2016 |
The maiden voyage aboard the TM144 went almost perfectly. We're still working on a robust jetting table and optimized gearing, but the little ripper carried me to second in class/7th overall in a field of 300 at the Roselawn Sand Booger enduro. We have also received our first demo/development TM300 EN.
3/14/2016 |
Don't look now, but the showroom is gaining a distinctly blue tint. Alongside the 144ENs we'll soon have a 2016 TM300EN. As soon as we get it set up the mighty 300 will be added to the demo and development rotation. We've also had a chance to spent some more time on the 144, and we're getting the jetting and suspension dialed in for our conditions. Suffice it to say that if the Betas are akin to Alfa-Romeo, the TMs are decidedly the Ferraris of the off-road world.
2/1/2016 |
What a fantastic month January has been! Not only did we deliver new Betas to Arizona and Ohio, but we also got to celebrate the 2015 D14 off-road racing season with good friends up in Mt. Pleasant. Congratulations to all of the participants in the Family Enduro Series (FES), D14 Enduro, and D14 Hare Scrambles series, but especially to Shane Spangler and Tyler Vore for capturing overall championships in the hare scrambles and enduro series respectively.
Things are heating up on the development side as we prepare to launch the first in a line of service tools for the new Sachs closed chamber forks (we've been inside and they look good) as well as custom triple clamps for the new TMs. Check the Parts and Other Goodies page for availability.
11/21/2015 |
Oh, what might have been ... LRBDS was a bust this year as the temps dropped into the 30s and snow made its way into the forecast. With age comes wisdom (hopefully) so the wise chose to ride Saturday (up 10F from Friday) or Sunday (a balmy 62F at noon) and leave Evart, and other DNR trails until FRADS - that's right First Ride After Deer Season. Just remember to wear layers and roll on the throttle. Hope to see you on the trail.
Better news is this - PlusOnePerformance LLC is the newest TM Racing dealer in the country. We're taking delivery of a pair of baby blue 144 EN rippers to start things off but we'll be able to get (and service) the whole line-up. We already have experience with the in-house TM shock and Kayaba SSS suspension that comes stock on the aluminum framed beauties and look forward to providing the same great service that our GasGas and Beta families have come to rely on.
10/15/2015 |
Beta finally dropped a couple photos of the new 2016 Race Edition bikes, and if you've been on the fence at all, you need to act quick to get yours. One day in and we've already sold a 250, a 350, and a 480 - they're also available in 300cc 2T and 430 4T versions. The biggest news is the new Sachs closed chamber fork, which ironically is anodized red just like the outgoing Marzocchi. We'll have more information and tuning tips as soon as we get a chance to dig into a set.
LRBDS (Last Ride Before Deer Season) is scheduled for Friday November 13 at the Evart trail. With any luck at all it won't snow like it did last year! Don't forget your ORV stickers and handguards, and let's plan on a 11am start.
07/14/2015 |
The new Beta's have been unvieled and they look fabulous! Big news on the 250 and 300RR two strokes is the inclusion of oil injection as standard (albeit disable-able) equipment. The RRs get massaged forks once again, and the 250 is said to really shine with increased low-and mid range power. Racing Edition 2Ts will forego the oil injection in favor of lighter weight and simplicity, but pick up Sachs closed chamber forks instead of the PFP forks previously supplied by now defunct Marzocchi.
After the successful introduction of Synerject fuel injection on the 350 in 2015 all 4T Beta's share the same hardware in 2016. A multitude of changes were made to the various models in an attempt to raise and already high bar of performance. Look for a new 2016 Beta bike page very soon!
Beta is also one of the largest players in the trials world as well, but that's an area in which we have had very little exposure and experience ... until now. There's been an almost new 300cc Super Smooth added to the PlusOne demo fleet - make sure you check it out on the New and Experienced bike page or ask us about it.
06/19/2015 |
One blink and almost half a year has gone - simply incredible! It's been an exciting year in the off-road world, with shake-ups at every level of the sport in almost every discipline. Cody Webb left Beta for greener (oranger?) pastures, so Max Gerston and Kyle Redmond have been flying the Beta flag in EnduroX events, with Cory Buttrick, Jesse Groemm, and Justin Sode campaigning the GNCC XC2 Pro and National Enduro Pro classes.
PlusOnePerformance has experienced incredible growth, delivering five new Betas in the March alone, and setting all-time records for suspension service and parts sales. Our latest "science project" involves improving the performance and extending the life of off-road forks through hard coating and triple clamp modification.
Corporately Beta has shifted production from the RS125 to fill orders of the immensely popular XTrainer, while further north and west GasGas appears to have succumbed to the weight of accumulated debt and has ceased production of motorcycles. Sherco has taken to the air-waves proclaiming that at least some Catalan-based motorcycle manufacturers are still humming along ...
The D14 hare scrambles series charged out of the gate then saw all of the May races blown-out - we'll be back on track June 21 at Valley Trail, "God willing and the creek don't rise"
01/09/2015 |
It's hard to believe that 2014 is in the rear view mirror, but such is life. We've got lots of exciting things going on in 2015, and we managed to kick the year off right by woods riding ... January 2nd ... in Ohio! Winter can't be too long if you can ride a dirt bike in January without setting a knobby in snow. Make a plan to join the PlusOnePerformance crew on the trails this year - good times are (almost) guaranteed.
We're proud to announce support for the Family Enduro Series that is held in conjunction with D14 events in Michigan and Indiana, and our focus will be on safe riding. Watch for more details as plans are solidified.
We've also become a GoldenTyre dealer. If you're a fan of the extreme enduro races that are becoming a worldwide phenomenon, you'll recognize that GoldenTyre equips riders tackling the gnarliest conditions. Give us a call to find out more.
Finally we've added an "Others to Consider" page to our website that features bikes that we're familiar with that are looking for new homes. If you're interested in one of these bikes we'll be happy to put you in contact with the current owner and you can work out your best deal.
11/04/2014 |
Just back from the Beta dealer meeting, and having had a chance to sample all of the two-strokes, the 'coming soon' RS125 dual sport and the 390/430/480 four-strokes, all I can say is that if you're in the market for a very competent, well-put together, very refined dirt bike then you need to ride a Beta. The Sachs forks on the 2Ts are tremendously improved, and the four-strokes are remarkably different yet each desirable in its own way. The only bike I didn't get to ride was the 350efi - the line was over two-hours long! Other riders reported that it has engine braking somewhere between the 350 Factory and a two-stroke. Dealers may be able to adjust the stepper motor to alter engine braking, but initially at least the only other options will be downloadable maps.
Beta's homegrown ISDE team, formulated after Justin Sode, Nick Burson, and Cory Buttrick aced their Stateside qualifiers, ran second overall in club team classification after the first day of racing at the Argentinian event.
10/09/2014 |
We're only a couple weeks off of the Beta dealers meeting set for Temecula, California, and we can't wait to see what BetaUSA and the Italians have in store for the new year. One thing that will stay the same is that Max Gerston will continue to contest the EnduroX series and other extreme events aboard his Beta 350. Unable to hold back any longer I sampled the 350 Factory shown on the New and Experienced Bikes page under actual race conditions, and came away amazed. On a 30 minute lap at Battle Creek I gained over 2 minutes and 15 seconds on the time I posted on the 250RR!
09/15/2014 |
The National Enduro season wrapped up a day ago, and what a season. Cory Buttrick came off the coach from a practice-crash-induced lay-off to score 7th in the Muddobber's season finale and wrap up 10th overall in points. Along the way during the season Cody Webb and Max Gerston also dipped their toes in the NEPG pool, scoring well in the Colorado round. In other racing news, Webb has elected to move on at the end of the EnduroX season, but Kyle Redmond has already signed with the red, white, and blue team.
07/05/2014 |
The new 2014 GasGas 250XC has come and gone, but you can find our riding impressions in the July issue of the AMA D14 News where we test it head to head with the Beta 250RR. Check out the new bikes under the 2015 Beta Bikes and 2015 GasGas Bikes tabs, and get your deposits in early - these bike are hot, hot, hot! Speaking of hot, did you see the 2014 Beta 350RR Factory edition 4T? The most monumental changes made to that model find their way onto the new 350efi/390/430/480RR and 390/430/500RS models.
05/05/2014 |
Exciting things are happening at PlusOnePerformance. The new 2014 GasGas 250 is due in any day now, we've added a Beta 300 Racing Edition to our demo fleet, and we've finally had a chance to ride! Come and join us one one of Michigan's fantastic off-road trails, or catch up with us at an upcoming Family Enduro or District 14 Hare Scrambles.
03/06/2014 |
Huge news on the GasGas front! Not only did the Spanish company buy the rights to the Husky X-Lite 250 and 310 four-stroke engines, they also picked up the 125 2T as well. Look for these proven powerplants to make their way into US-bound GasGas' in 2015. Not enough? How about the company taking over sales and distribution of the brand in the United States? Rod Overstreet has been hired on as National Sales Manager in order to help GasGas achieve the type of market awareness and penetration these great bikes deserve.
11/29/2013 |
Cody Webb piloted his Beta 300RR Racing Edition scooter to the season-high 3rd win at the LasVegas EnduroX finale this past weekend. Webb was able to top eventual/perpetual series winner Taddy Blazusiak in both the heat race and the final, and had it not been for a broken foot earlier in the season may have taken home the crown himself. Congratulations to Cody and the entire Stillwell/Beta team.
11/5/2013 |
American Beta has just announced the feature list for the 250 and 300 2T and 450 and 498 4T Racing Edition bikes. Look for the red-legged Marzocchi 48mm PFP forks to return along with billet footpegs and chain blocks, front axle pulls, a variety of anodized bits and pieces. There are new in-molded graphics and a red-white- and blue color scheme, with just enough of the Italian tri-color to remind you where these fabulous bikes are made. Initial delivery will be in time for Christmas - get your deposits in soon!
9/24/2013 |
Hot on the heels of Cody Webb's third-place finish at the Ontario CA endurocross comes the news that Beta will be producing a 250RR Racing Edition bike this year! Pricing and final specs have yet to be released, but expect something along the lines of the returning 300RR, 450RR, and 498 RR Racing Editions (Marzocchi 48mm PFP forks, custom graphics, beefy billet pegs).
8/21/2013 |
First the Purvines team wins the 550 mile Reno to Vegas race aboard a Beta 498, then Cody Webb and Max Gerston go 1-4 at the Tennessee Knock-Out hard enduro on their 300RRs... what a great weekend! Not only that, but Eastern Tennessee's Eric Warren became the happy owner of the first 2014 Beta 300RR delivered by PlusOnePerformance ... what a great weekend indeed!
7/31/2013 |
2014 Beta 250RR and 300RR models will be available in August! Call us to reserve yours today!
4/23/2013 |
By now you've heard that Cody Webb and Taddy Blazuziak had an epic battle at the X Games Enduro round in Brazil. If you haven't seen it, you're in for a treat. Use the Google or YouTube to watch this crazy event and see Webb blast to the front on his Beta 300 RR Race Edition.
4/9/2013 |
Our first Beta 300RR Race Edition was already snatched up, but the second shipped yesterday from American Beta in California. As good as the standard bikes are, particularly with PlusOnePerformance detail touches, the 300RR Race Edition takes the Beta 2 strokes to a whole new level. Red-legged Marzocchi 48mm closed chamber forks - the current off-road gold standard - are joined by special graphics, black anodized triple clamps, aluminum pegs, gripper seat cover with a score card/cell phone pouch to make this one special bike.
2/22/2013 |
Need further proof that the Beta two-strokes are legit? Check out footage from the recently run 10th Anniversary Hell's Gate Enduro from the mountains of Italy. Cody Webb piloted a 300RR Race Replica to an outstanding 3rd place as shown in this Enduro21.com video
The Race Replicas are available in 300cc 2T, and 400 and 450 4T displacements. Order yours today!
2/4/2013 |
I don't know what is more exciting - that we're about to launch a financing program for new and used dirt bikes or that Cody Webb just won the 2013 King of Motos extreme enduro on his 2013 Beta 300RR. There's no video for the banking, but watch what the big boys had to contest with over the course of a 180 mile day right here.
1/14/2013 |
The very first Beta has come and gone (congratulations to Mr. McCoy) but there are more on the way. Having ridden all of the 2013 Beta enduro bikes (save the 350RR) at the recent dealer meeting, I can attest that the 250 and 300 two-strokes are at the head of the field of off-road race bikes. The 400RR feels comparable in weight and maneuverability but with a thumper's gentle touch, while the 450 is best suited for raging young guns and more "mature" riders. The 498RR almost defies description in terms of its speed. Feel free to call and we can chat about which one might be right for you.
11/28/2012 |
That's right - Beta! We're happy to have added another great off-road bike to our line-up. The first of the Italian two-strokes is set to arrive the week of December 3rd - give us a call and come by and check it out!
10/10/2012 |
In an effort to provide you with even more fantastic Spanish motorcycle choices, GGOR.US and PlusOnePerformance are pleased to offer the Sherco off-road line-up for 2013. Orders are being taken now for the 250i and 300i Racing spec bikes (think Fabien Planet) with availability of the brand-new 250 and 300 2 strokes expected shortly after the first of the new year.
10/08/2012 |
PlusOnePerformance is pleased to announce our support of Matt Bucher for the upcoming enduro and hare scrambles seasons. A two-time ISDE participant, Matt has piloted his PlusOnePerformance-suspended YZ250 into the AA class for 2013.
9/20/2012 |
Chad of Pinal County, Arizona becomes the newest member of the PlusOnePerformance/afterhourscycle.com GasGas owner's club. His new 300 Race will arrive courtesy YRC freight haulers in the next couple of days. With only a month left before 2013 kick-start models arrive it's time to get deposits in to secure a bike.
8/21/2012 |
It took awhile but the press is finally catching up with what we knew all along - that GasGas off-road bikes are fantastic to ride and legitimate contenders for the best dirt bike crown. Check out the August issues of Dirt Bike Magazine, Dirt Rider, and Cycle News (Aug 21, 2012 on-line only) to read impressions of the 2012 models. Better yet, in the spirit of continuous improvement, the 2013 models address almost every concern the media had with the Spanish mounts.
7/30/2012 |
Details are starting to flow in on the new 2013 GasGas bikes. Expect to see revised plastic (stronger rad shrouds and side number plates), new shock pull-rods to drop the seat height slightly and enhance traction, a standard tapered handlebar and a host of other improvements to the revolutionary 2012 models. E-start 300s are scheduled for delivery in August, with most other models destined for US soil by the end of October. Get your deposits in early ...
5/25/2012 |
Our first 2012 300 Race eStart has arrived and is fully prepped and ready to go. Also available are the 250 Race and Race eStart and the 200 Race. All of the bikes share the same great chassis set-ups and are expertly prepared to your specification before delivery. Call for details.
4/7/2012 |
Not only did the Battle Creek Motorcycle Club put on a fabulous event, Aaron Wegner demonstrated championship speed aboard his new 2012 Race 300 before being slowed by collision-induced damage. Despite floppy radiator shrouds and a rad hose that he had to hold on by hand, Wegner finished just a dozen or so seconds back of 2nd place rider Kyle Valmering in Round 3 of the AMA (East) National Hare Scrambles series / Round 1 of the D14 Hare Scrambles series. In round numbers 250 big-bike riders enjoyed one of the best afternoons in memory on the 9.2 miles course. The team row saw GasGas representation with 2010, 2011, and 2012 Gassers lined up for the three hour contest.
2/27/2012 |
Thinking about creating the ultimate cockpit on your off-road scoot but a little hesitant because you haven't had a chance to experience it first hand? We're about to give you that chance.

Just contact us to schedule a real-time demo of the incredible impact-absorbing Flexx handlebar and Fastway FIT handguard system on your own bike at a trail ride or race. The handlebars will be set up with ORP threaded bar-end attachment inserts, Scott dual density grips, a Motion Pro throttle tube and the Fastway FIT III handguard and mount system. Bolt on your clutch and brake levers and kill switch and you're good to go. Upgrades to FIT II (single piece) or FIT I (damper mount) are available, along with selection of handguard color and crossbar pads. We can almost guarantee you'll want to keep the bars on your bike after the ride.
* damage deposit required
02/20/2012 |
We're fresh back from the Indianapolis Dealer Expo with some exciting news - if you can't quite see yourself on a GasGas and would rather ride a new TM, we can hook you up! Looking for twice the traction to maximize your off-road experience? PlusOnePerformance can now set you up with a Christini 2wd dirt bike! Call for more information, and watch this site for more specific details.
02/04/2012 |
The ship carrying the first load of 2012 GasGas 300 Race bikes has been spotted off the coast along the Eastern Seaboard. Expect the first bikes to reach land sometime early next week, with delivery just in time for Valentine's Day! Even the colors match - I'm in love!
12/22/2011 |
What were you doing December 19th? If you weren't riding your dirt bike with us you missed out on a fantastic - albeit frigid - time on Michigan's trails. With no snow and temperatures hovering around freezing, there is no reason not to ride.
It looks like there won't be new GasGas' under the Christmas tree after all. Production delays due to a late change in the air filtration system have pushed back first US deliveries until early February. Rather than utilize a cartridge-type system, the 2012 GasGas racers will come with a conventional airbox housing a TwinAir filter and the familiar sprung plunger for retention. Interest in the new bikes continues to grow as details are released - get your deposits in now to secure your new ride.
10/29/2011 |
Pricing and production schedules have been released for the 2012 bikes. The 300s will lead the charge, followed by 300 estarts, 250s and 250 estarts, and then 200s, with the first bikes hitting US shores on or around New Year's Day. Call to reserve yours today.
9/16/2011 |
Well that was COMPLETELY unexpected! GasGas unveiled a 100% overhauled line of bikes today, and they are out of this world. Featuring a new cylinder, power-valve, frame, bodywork, and suspension set-up, these bikes promise to propel you to the front. Did we mention a new Magura master cylinder actuating a new clutch? What about new linkage, Ohlins shock and the new 48mm Marzocchi fork previewed on the 2011 Cervantes and Nambotin replicas? The fuel tank is up a liter as well to 10.5, and there is a new polymer subframe. Start cleaning up your old scoot and fire up Craigslist - you're going to want to make room in the garage for one of these, especially after watching this. Delivery and pricing details available shortly, but deposits are being accepted.
9/12/2011 |
Hats off to Aaron Wegner for defending his D14 Hare Scrambles crown and adding the D14 Enduro Championship by sweeping up at the Grizzly Enduro held September 11th in Fairview, Michigan. The front half of the season saw Wegner aboard a 250 Six Days - he switched up to a brand-spanking-new 250 Race in time to clinch the hare scrambles title at Polka Dots August 28th.
8/24/2011 |
Congratulations to Matt Bucher, the first 250A rider to top GasGas mounted Jesse Warner, on his victory at the recent Greenville, MI D14 Knucklebuster enduro. Matt's victory came aboard a 2011 YZ250 with suspension tuning handled by PlusOnePerformance. In other race news, watch for Aaron Wegner to make his XC250 Race debut at the Polka Dots MC harescrambles held in Midland MI.

8/8/2011 |
The spectacular 2011 GasGas 250 Race has arrived! Outfitted with an incredible array of hardware including an Ohlins shock and the all-new Marzocchi 48mm closed chamber fork, this bike is made for Michigan's woods like honey was meant for toast. Will you be the first to own one?
8/1/2011 |
It turns out we were right all along - a 300cc two stroke is quite possibly the ultimate woods weapon. Congratulations to one-time GasGas rider Nick Fahringer on two consecutive National Enduro victories on his new 300cc 2 stroke Husaberg (nee KTM). You can check out the GasGas (and KTM) 300s on the New and Experienced Bike page. Props too to Aaron Wegner for finishing 10th OA / top GasGas (only a handful of seconds out of 8th) at the recent Jack Pine National.
06/01/2011 |
Are you ready for a great day in the woods? Join the band of happy woods riders at Cadillac Michigan's Long Lake Trail Wednesday June 8 for the second installment of the Exotic Bike Trail Ride. Last time out we had three generations of GasGas' ... maybe this year we'll see a vintage IT175 or aluminum tank Husky to go along with the growing family of Spanish bike riders. Aaron Wegner will be joining us to demonstrate his championship winning skills and show how to make a Six Days 250 fly!
I'll have a cooler full of Gatorade and trail maps - bring some munchies and enough gas to do a couple loops (26 miles per). The plan is to hit the trail between 10:30 and 11. Spark arrestor and ORV sticker required.
4/5/2011 |
Are you ready for Roselawn? Is your bike? Now is the time to put the finishing touches on your race prep for the D14 enduro season opener. Don't forget that both headlight and taillight are required for this event - and to travel on the ORV-friendly roads in most Michigan counties. If you're itching for a new bike to start the season off, we have a 250 Six Days ready to go, and 250 and 300 estarts are available on a day or two's notice.
12/15/2010 |
Announcing the 2011 PlusOnePerformance Racer Package - when you buy a bike from us, you'll automatically qualify for 10% off EnduroEngineering components, 10% off AMSOIL products, 10% off IronMan sprockets, and 50% off labor charges at your first suspension service for the upcoming race season. We'll even post a photo and description of your old bike on our "For Sale" page to help you forget what life was like before your new GasGas!
12/10/2010 |
Congratulations to Mark Robinson on his purchase of a XC250. An afternoon's ride and some negotiations with his 'finance committee' later, Mark rewarded himself with an early Christmas present - welcome to the team Mark!
10/01/2010 |

Why is this man smiling? Because not only did he wrap up the AMA District 14 Hare Scrambles championship with a race remaining in the series, but Aaron Wegner also inked a deal to campaign a 2011 GasGas 250 Race bike in the the Michigan enduro and hare scrambles divisions. Long considered one of the fastest riders in the Midwest, Wegner was convinced the move to the Spanish bike was right after spending a day aboard a 2010 XC250 at the Exotic Bike Trail Ride. He praised the bike's ability to carve through the woods, the strength of the motor, its suspension performance, and the ability to blast through difficult terrain without sidestepping or getting out of sorts. Major support for the effort comes from GasGas Offroad US, PlusOnePerformance and afterhourscycle.com but sponsors are being added on an ongoing basis.
8/25/2010 |
It's on people! The first annual "Exotic Bike Trail Ride" takes place Friday August 27th at the Long Lake Trail just north of Cadillac, MI. Take 131 to 34 (aka Boon) Road, exit to the west, turn right (north) at 41-1/2 Road by the Meijer's and travel a couple or four miles north. The entrance road to the trail head is marked by a brown DNR sign on the east side of the road.
We're looking for a 10:30 start roughly, but the benchracing may cause a slight delay. Bring out your ORV permit, spark arrestor, and pristine old PE175 (or Husky auto, Penton, or Can-Am Qualifier) and enjoy the summer's best day of trail riding. Guaranteed, or your money back! Oh, and you can ride my 2010 GasGas XC250 if the mood strikes.
Gas and ORV stickers are available in Cadillac, I'll bring some cold drinks, and a trail map or two (also available at http://www.midnr.com/publications/pdfs/forestslandwater/ORV/Maps-Trail/Long_Lake_Motorcycle_Trail.pdf).
Hope to see you there - Steve
8/8/2010 |
The 2011 GasGas line-up for the United States has been announced and it should make you happy! Not only are the first XCs going to start arriving in the September time-frame, but the new eStart 250s and 300s are only a month behind that. SixDays themed bikes are set to arrive in October, with 125, 200, 250, and 300cc versions. That's right, the 200 is back! The Race series bikes should arrive after the first of the year, with Nambotin replica 300s available in the spring to a select few riders. Get those deposits in now to secure the bike of your dreams.
* All of the bikes are imported as "Competition only", meaning that they lack a taillight and blinkers, but the kits developed in 2010 (more details available on this site) will set you up with the hardware you need to get legal.
8/2/2010 |
Today GasGas Motos ("the factory") announced a new importer for GasGas enduro bikes into the United States. This news, along with a renewed commitment to making the very best two-stroke off-road bikes should be music to the GasGas riders' ears. Stay tuned for more details, and watch for an early launch of the 2011 line. Oh, and did I mention that e-start will in fact be available on the ECs. Gather up that loose change and get your deposit in soon
7/14/2010 |
Well, what do you think of that - the 2011 GasGas 2 strokes have emerged from the development labs in Spain. Full specifications are not yet available, but look for updated suspension tuning, a new chain guard design, re-contoured front fender and headlight, black fork legs, and a whole new look! You can see it "live" in this video 2011 GasGas Preview. Strong rumors have the much anticipated e-start arriving in 2011, but that is not yet official. Check back later for full details.

7/9/2010 |
What a wild couple of weeks it's been. The Taste Test went off with a bang, we've covered a ton of miles on Michigan's trail system, raced the Valley enduro, and rode with the CCC crew on the Tomahawk loop for the Phil Bean Memorial Trail Tour. We've also been working on a couple of special projects - bike armor with Enduro Engineering and street legal kits! Check the new "Parts and other Goodies" page for more details.
5/21/2010 |
It's on folks! Join us May 22, 2010 from 1-5pm at the Battle Creek Motorcycle Club grounds (21758 Waubascon Rd., Battle Creek MI 49017-7622) for a "taste test" of the 2010 GasGas line-up. The club has laid out a special loop so that you can ride the new 250Fse 4 stroke, EC250 two stroke and ISDE winning EC300 - just show up, sign-up, and ride. We'll have some GasGas swag courtesy of GoFasters in Minnesota, and the grill will be on.
Don't forget your tent and your own bike - round 2 of the District 14 hare scrambles series goes off Sunday, with ATVs and youth classes in the morning, and big bikes in the afternoon.
4/23/2010 |
The good ship Los Angeles did a "touch-and go" in the New York harbor today. The long-awaited off-loading of the container of new GasGas' will take place after the ship docks in Norfolk on Sunday.
Will you be able to see the 2010 ECs at the CCC Rites of Spring in Atlanta, MI next weekend? Perhaps, but it will be tight.
4/17/2010 |
The wait for your new GasGas is almost over! At last report (April 14) the Hanjin Los Angeles carrying the 2010 GasGas bikes had passed Gibraltar and was headed out to sea. Look for the new EC250 and 300 around the first week in May.

3/5/2010 |
Spring is fast approaching, and with it comes the GasGas demo day you've been waiting for! Join us, along with the Battle Creek crew and the guys from GoFasters Saturday May 22 and sample the 2010 line-up of EC race bikes. You'll be able to ride the 250 and 300 two strokes as well as the 250 and 450 thumpers on an honest-to-goodness hare scrambles loop. Watch this site for more details.
1/7/2010 |
The 2010 GasGas bikes are on their way! Watch for announcements concerning demo ride days!
12/28/2009 |
Ready for a good day in the woods? The latest revision of the D14 Enduro series schedule can be found here!
12/17/2009 |
Some of Michigan's best off-road racing can be found right here 2010 D14 Hare Scrambles schedule
11/19/2009 |
AfterHoursCycle.com becomes Michigan's GasGas off-road race headquarters
02/23/2005 |
PlusOnePerformance LLC founded to provide personalized service to off-road riders in need of suspension, engine, and general motorcycle maintenance.